Form TSS 15. Reimbursement Voucher for Highway Safety Project Costs - Virginia

Form TSS 15. Reimbursement Voucher for Highway Safety Project Costs - Virginia

Form TSS 15 - Reimbursement Voucher for Highway Safety Project Costs is used by grantees to submit expenditures for reimbursement within the context of highway safety projects. This form assists in requesting reimbursement for project-related costs.

The parties involved include grant recipients, grant funding agencies, and the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles. The form sections encompass expenditure details, project information, and reimbursement request.

Key sections include expenditure breakdown, project affiliation, reimbursement amount, and supporting documentation. Accurate documentation of project-related costs and clear justification for reimbursement are essential for successful processing.

For example, an organization that incurred eligible costs while implementing a highway safety project would complete this form to request reimbursement for the documented project-related expenses.

No direct related forms are mentioned, but an alternative could involve reimbursement request forms for other types of grant-funded projects or expenses.