Form SSA-2935. Authorization to the Social Security Administration to Obtain Personal Information

Form SSA-2935. Authorization to the Social Security Administration to Obtain Personal Information

Form SSA-2935 serves as the Authorization to the Social Security Administration to Obtain Personal Information. The primary purpose of this form is to allow individuals to grant the SSA permission to collect personal information from other organizations or individuals. This authorization is often required to verify claims and eligibility for Social Security benefits.

For example, if someone is applying for Social Security benefits and the SSA needs to verify income or medical records from other organizations, this form can be used to grant that authorization. The purpose is to streamline the information-gathering process and ensure the accuracy of benefit determinations.

The parties involved are individuals applying for Social Security benefits and the SSA. The form typically consists of sections for the applicant's information, the nature of the authorization, and the duration of the authorization. Accurate and timely authorization is important for verifying claims effectively.