SF 182. Authorization, Agreement, and Certification of Training

SF 182. Authorization, Agreement, and Certification of Training

The SF-182 form is used to authorize, agree and certify employee training, record and report certification, and process advance payments for employee training expenses. The form is comprised of four sections: Section 1, "Authorization," which is completed by the requesting employee; Section 2, "Agreement," which is completed by the approving official; Section 3, "Certification," which is completed by the training provider or vendor; and Section 4, "Fund Certification and Advance Payment," which is completed by the agency's financial office.

The most important fields on the SF-182 form are the employee's personal information, the training program details (including dates, location, and cost), and the signatures of the relevant parties. It is important to provide accurate and complete information, as any errors or omissions could delay the approval process.

The parties involved in compiling this form are the requesting employee, the approving official, the training provider or vendor, and the agency's financial office. An employee or supervisor may initiate the request for the employee's training. The approving official authorizes the training request and verifies it complies with agency requirements. The training provider certifies that the training was completed and provides a report on the results of the training. Finally, the financial office certifies and pays training expenses.

When compiling the SF-182 form, it is important to ensure that all information about the training program is accurate and complete. The employee must obtain approval from their supervisor before requesting training on this form. Relevant supporting documents, such as an itemized estimate of expenses, may be required to be attached to the form.

The primary benefit of the SF-182 form is that it ensures that employees have the necessary training required to perform their jobs effectively. However, a challenge is that not all training is eligible for reimbursement, and employees may have to pay some training costs.

Related forms include SF-181, Authorization for Partial Payment of Tuition and Fees, and SF-1166, Claim for Reimbursement for Expenditures on Official Business. Analogues include forms used by individual agencies to make a request for training, such as the FDIC's form for training expenses.

The SF-182 form is submitted to the agency's training coordinator or other authorized official for approval. Once approved, the form is submitted to the training provider or vendor. After the training is completed, the provider certifies the training and reports the results to the agency. Upon completion of the training, the employee must complete Section 3 and submit the form to the agency's financial office for payment.
