OCFS-6006. Notification of a Firearm, Shotgun, Rifle or Ammunition on the Premises of Child Day Care Home Family and Group Family Day Care

OCFS-6006. Notification of a Firearm, Shotgun, Rifle or Ammunition on the Premises of Child Day Care Home Family and Group Family Day Care

Form OCFS-6006, titled "Notification of a Firearm, Shotgun, Rifle or Ammunition on the Premises of Child Day Care Home Family and Group Family Day Care," is a mandatory form required by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS). The purpose of this form is to inform OCFS about the presence of firearms, shotguns, rifles, or ammunition in premises where child day care is provided. The primary goal is to ensure the safety of children in these environments.

The form consists of sections where the child day care provider must provide their name, address, and contact information. Additionally, the provider must indicate whether there are firearms, shotguns, rifles, or ammunition on the premises. If the answer is affirmative, the provider must provide details about the type and quantity of firearms or ammunition stored, as well as information about the safe storage of these items.

Important fields in this form include the accurate description of the firearms or ammunition on the premises and the storage arrangements. The safety and security of children are paramount, and OCFS needs complete and accurate information to assess potential risks and ensure appropriate safety measures are in place.

Application Example: A licensed family day care provider in New York State becomes a gun owner and has firearms stored in their home. By law, the provider must complete Form OCFS-6006 and submit it to OCFS, disclosing the presence of firearms on the premises. They must accurately describe the firearms and provide information on secure storage methods to prevent unauthorized access by children.

Additional Document Needed: Depending on the situation, OCFS may require additional documentation related to firearm ownership and safety practices. These may include proof of firearm licenses or permits and adherence to local, state, and federal laws governing firearm ownership and storage.

Related Form: Form OCFS-6007, "Child Care Program Plan for Response to Lockdowns and Bomb Threats," is another related form that child care providers may need to complete. It outlines the procedures for responding to emergencies and ensuring the safety of children in case of lockdowns or bomb threats.

Alternative Form: While some other states or jurisdictions may have similar requirements for informing childcare authorities about the presence of firearms, the specific content and format of the form may differ from OCFS-6006, making it unique to New York State.