OCFS-6003. References-Child Day Care Programs

OCFS-6003. References-Child Day Care Programs

Form OCFS-6003, titled "References-Child Day Care Programs," is a document used by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) for evaluating and screening individuals seeking employment or licensure in child day care programs. The primary purpose of this form is to gather references for potential child care providers to ensure the safety and well-being of children under their care.

The form consists of sections where the applicant provides personal information, including their name, address, social security number, and details about the child care program they intend to work in. Additionally, there are sections to record the names and contact information of the applicant's references. These references may include previous employers, supervisors, co-workers, or others who can attest to the applicant's character, experience, and suitability for working with children.

Important fields in this form include the contact details of the applicant's references. Accurate completion of this form is crucial as OCFS relies on the information provided to make informed decisions about the applicant's eligibility for employment or licensure. Falsifying or providing inaccurate references may result in the rejection of the application or disciplinary actions.

Application Example: An individual interested in becoming a child care provider in a licensed day care facility must complete Form OCFS-6003. They would need to gather references from individuals who have knowledge of their work experience, character, and ability to care for children. The applicant must provide accurate contact information for each reference. Once submitted, OCFS may contact these references to assess the applicant's suitability for working with children.

Related Form: Form OCFS-6004, "Medical Statement Child Day Care Programs," is an associated form that requires applicants to undergo a medical examination to ensure they are physically capable of caring for children. Both forms are essential for evaluating the overall fitness of individuals seeking positions in child day care programs.

Alternative Form: The OCFS-6003 may not have a direct analogue, but some states or jurisdictions may have similar reference forms for background checks in child care or other related fields. However, each form's specific requirements and the agencies involved may vary, making OCFS-6003 unique to New York State.