OCFS-4821. CMS User Authorization

OCFS-4821. CMS User Authorization

Form OCFS-4821 is a CMS User Authorization form used by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. The purpose of this form is to authorize individuals to access and use the Child Welfare Case Management System (CMS) for their official duties.

The form consists of sections where individuals provide their personal information and the reason for needing access to the CMS. The form may also include a supervisor's approval and the user's agreement to abide by confidentiality and security protocols.

Important fields in this form include accurate and comprehensive information about the individual's role, duties, and the specific areas of the CMS they need access to. Proper authorization is critical to ensure that only authorized personnel can access sensitive and confidential case information.

Application Example: A new caseworker joining a child welfare agency needs to complete this form to request access to the CMS. The caseworker will provide information about their role, supervisor's approval, and the specific modules they need to use to carry out their duties.

No additional documents are mentioned in the form, but the individual may need to undergo training on CMS usage and adhere to agency policies related to data security and confidentiality.