OCFS-4529. Telecommunications Service Request

OCFS-4529. Telecommunications Service Request

Form OCFS-4529 is a Telecommunications Service Request form used by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services to request new telecommunications services or make changes to existing services.

The form consists of sections where the requesting entity provides information about their organization, the type of service they are requesting (e.g., phone lines, internet service), the specific details of the service needed, and any additional requirements or instructions. The form may also require authorization from an appropriate authority within the organization.

Important fields in this form include accurate and detailed information about the requested telecommunications service and any special requirements or considerations that may be needed. Completing the form accurately helps ensure that the requested services are provided promptly and efficiently.

Application Example: A residential facility for children and youth may use this form to request new internet service installation in their premises. They will specify the type of internet service, the required bandwidth, and any special security measures needed to protect the children's online activities.

No additional documents are mentioned in the form, but the requesting entity may need to coordinate with their organization's IT department or telecommunications provider to fulfill the service request.

Related Form: OCFS-4528. This form might be used for changes or modifications to existing telecommunications services rather than requesting new services.