NYS DMV Form FS-48. Financial Security Exemption Application

NYS DMV Form FS-48. Financial Security Exemption Application

Form FS-48 is used to apply for an exemption from New York State's auto liability insurance coverage requirements (NYS Financial Security Law) for vehicles that were at a registered NYS repair shop or junk/salvage facility. This form must be completed by the shop or facility and signed by the manager of the shop or facility and the vehicle registrant.

The form typically requires information about the vehicle, such as its make, model, year, identification number, and registration details. It also includes an explanation for the exemption request and supporting documentation from the registered repair shop or junk/salvage facility. By completing this form and submitting it to the DMV, individuals can apply for an exemption from auto liability insurance coverage requirements while their vehicle is at a registered NYS repair shop or junk/salvage facility.

Application Example: If someone's vehicle is undergoing repairs at a registered NYS repair shop or is in a registered NYS junk/salvage facility, they can complete Form FS-48 with all the required information and obtain the necessary signatures from the shop/facility manager and themselves as the registrant. This form ensures compliance with the exemption requirements for auto liability insurance coverage while the vehicle is in a qualifying facility.

Related Forms: There may not be direct alternatives to Form FS-48, as it specifically addresses the financial security exemption application for vehicles at a registered NYS repair shop or junk/salvage facility. However, other forms related to insurance exemptions, coverage waivers, or temporary suspension of coverage may exist depending on the specific requirements of each state or jurisdiction.