NJ MVC Form Sample H-1B 240 Day Extension Certificate

NJ MVC Form Sample H-1B 240 Day Extension Certificate

Form Sample H-1B 240 Day Extension Certificate is not directly related to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. Instead, it appears to be a sample certificate associated with the H-1B visa program for non-immigrant workers in the United States. The certificate likely serves as documentation to extend the work authorization of H-1B visa holders while their visa extensions are being processed.

This form is not related to the Motor Vehicle Commission's functions or services but rather pertains to immigration and work authorization matters at the federal level.

Form Structure

As this is a sample certificate, it is not structured like a typical application form. It likely contains fields for the individual's information, employer details, and authorization expiration date, along with other relevant information regarding the H-1B visa extension.

How to Use the Form

This form, or certificate, is typically used by employers and H-1B visa holders when applying for an extension of work authorization. It is not a form that is submitted to the Motor Vehicle Commission or used for any motor vehicle-related purposes.

When using this certificate, individuals and employers must follow the guidelines provided by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for the H-1B visa program.

Related Forms: This form is specific to the H-1B visa program and does not have direct equivalents related to motor vehicle services.