Form VSD 846. Antique Vehicle Affirmation for Use and Condition of Expanded-Use - Illinois

Form VSD 846. Antique Vehicle Affirmation for Use and Condition of Expanded-Use - Illinois

Form VSD 846 - Antique Vehicle Affirmation for Use and Condition of Expanded-Use - serves as an affirmation for individuals with antique vehicles who are seeking expanded-use status for their vehicles. This form is used to affirm the use and condition of antique vehicles that are being driven for purposes beyond exhibitions, parades, and other limited activities.

This form is used by individuals with antique vehicles to affirm that their vehicles meet the necessary conditions for expanded-use status, which allows the vehicles to be driven for purposes other than exhibitions or parades.

Form Structure

This form involves individuals with antique vehicles seeking expanded-use status and the Illinois Secretary of State Vehicle Services Department. It typically consists of sections where the individual affirms that their antique vehicle meets the required conditions for expanded use.

How to Fill Out and Submit the Form

The individual should complete the form, accurately affirming that their antique vehicle meets the conditions for expanded use. The completed form is submitted to the Vehicle Services Department along with any required documentation to apply for expanded-use status.

When completing the form, ensure that accurate information is provided about the antique vehicle's condition and intended expanded use.
