Form RT OPR 31. Small Estate Affidavit - Illinois

Form RT OPR 31. Small Estate Affidavit - Illinois

Form RT OPR 31 - Small Estate Affidavit serves as an affidavit for small estates in vehicle-related matters.

This form is used by individuals dealing with the transfer of vehicle ownership in cases of small estates, where the value of the estate is below a certain threshold.

Form Structure

This form involves the individual applying for the small estate affidavit, the Illinois Secretary of State Vehicle Services Department, and potentially other regulatory bodies. It's structured with sections for providing the applicant's information, details about the estate, and the affirmation of eligibility for using the small estate affidavit.

How to Fill Out and Submit the Form

Individuals dealing with small estates can complete this form to request the use of a small estate affidavit for vehicle-related matters. The completed form is typically submitted to the Illinois Secretary of State Vehicle Services Department for processing.

When completing the form, the applicant should accurately provide information about the estate and carefully read and affirm the statements about eligibility for using the small estate affidavit. This form is important for facilitating the transfer of vehicle ownership in cases of small estates.
