Form DSD X 20. Vision Specialist Report - Illinois

Form DSD X 20. Vision Specialist Report - Illinois

Form DSD X 20 - Vision Specialist Report serves as a report from a vision specialist regarding an individual's vision status.

This form is used to provide information about an individual's vision status, which may be required for certain driving-related assessments.

Form Structure

This form involves the individual undergoing a vision assessment, the vision specialist conducting the assessment, and potentially the authorities responsible for evaluating an individual's fitness to drive. It's structured with sections for providing personal information of the individual, details about the vision assessment, and the vision specialist's assessment and recommendations.

How to Fill Out and Submit the Form

An individual who undergoes a vision assessment can have the vision specialist complete this form with the relevant information about the assessment results and recommendations. The completed form is typically submitted to the appropriate department or agency responsible for evaluating an individual's fitness to drive.

When completing the form, the vision specialist should provide accurate information about the individual's vision status and any recommendations based on the assessment. This form helps provide information about an individual's vision for driving-related evaluations.
