GA DMV Form MV-66A Affidavit for TAVT Exemption for Certain Business Transactions

GA DMV Form MV-66A Affidavit for TAVT Exemption for Certain Business Transactions

Form MV-66A Affidavit for TAVT Exemption for Certain Business Transactions serves as a declaration to claim an exemption from the Title Ad Valorem Tax (TAVT) for specific business-related vehicle transactions.

Businesses engaged in certain vehicle transactions, such as the transfer of vehicles between affiliated entities or the conversion of a business vehicle to personal use, can use Form MV-66A to declare their eligibility for a TAVT exemption. The TAVT is a tax imposed on the fair market value of vehicles when they are titled in Georgia, and this form helps businesses avoid unnecessary taxation in certain situations.

Form Structure

This form involves businesses and the Georgia Department of Driver Services. It typically consists of sections for providing business information, transaction details, and a declaration of eligibility for the TAVT exemption.

The important fields on this form include the business's name, contact information, details of the transaction, and a statement explaining the basis for the TAVT exemption claim.

How to Fill Out and Submit the Form

Businesses should complete Form MV-66A accurately, ensuring that all required information is provided and the basis for the TAVT exemption is clearly explained. Once completed, the form is typically submitted to the Georgia Department of Driver Services as part of the vehicle title and registration process for the exempted transaction.

When using this form, businesses should be aware of the specific conditions and criteria for claiming the TAVT exemption, as these may vary depending on the type of transaction and the business's circumstances.

Related forms may include other TAVT-related forms for different types of transactions, such as Form MV-66 Affidavit of Exemption for Title Tax or Form MV-6 Title/Tag Application, but Form MV-66A is specifically for certain business transactions.
