Form LIC 9227. Individual Infant Sleeping Plan

Form LIC 9227. Individual Infant Sleeping Plan

The LIC 9227 form, Individual Infant Sleeping Plan, is a document used by child care providers in the state of California. It is designed to ensure the safety and well-being of infants in child care settings by outlining specific sleeping arrangements and practices.

The form consists of several sections that cover important aspects related to infant sleep. These sections include:

  • Child Information: This section requires the child's name, date of birth, and enrollment date. It is important to accurately provide this information for identification purposes.
  • Sleeping Arrangements: In this section, the child care provider must specify the sleeping arrangements for the infant, including the type of crib or bassinet used, the location of the sleeping area, and any additional safety measures implemented.
  • Sleep Practices: Here, the provider must outline the specific sleep practices followed for the infant, such as the position in which the infant is placed to sleep (e.g., on their back) and any additional measures taken to ensure a safe sleeping environment.
  • Emergency Procedures: This section requires the provider to detail the steps to be taken in case of an emergency during sleep, including contacting parents or guardians and seeking medical assistance if necessary.

When filling out the LIC 9227 form, it is important to provide accurate and detailed information regarding the sleeping arrangements and practices for the infant. This ensures that the child care provider is aware of and can adhere to the specific needs and safety requirements of each infant.

In addition to the form, certain documents may need to be attached for further validation or reference. These may include medical records or notes from healthcare providers regarding any specific sleep-related needs or conditions the infant may have.

Application examples and use cases for the LIC 9227 form include:

  1. Licensed child care centers: Child care centers in California are required to have individual infant sleeping plans on file for each infant in their care. The LIC 9227 form helps providers meet this requirement and maintain compliance with state regulations.
  2. Family child care homes: Family child care providers who care for infants must also have individual infant sleeping plans. The LIC 9227 form serves as a tool for these providers to document and communicate safe sleeping practices to parents or guardians.

Related forms and alternative options to the LIC 9227 form include  LIC 9213: Infant/Toddler Daily Activity and Feeding Schedule - this form focuses on documenting the daily activities and feeding schedule for infants and toddlers in child care settings, complementing the LIC 9227 form's emphasis on sleep arrangements.

The LIC 9227 form can be submitted to the California Department of Social Services or the licensing agency overseeing the child care provider. It is typically stored in the provider's records as part of their licensing compliance documentation.
