DEA Form 41. Registrant Record of Controlled Substances Destroyed
The Registrant Record of Controlled Substances Destroyed, also known as DEA Form 41, is a form used by registrants who are authorized to handle controlled substances to report the destruction of these substances.
The form consists of several parts, including the registrant's information, the date and method of destruction, and a list of the controlled substances destroyed. The form must be signed and dated by the authorized registrant or their agent.
The parties involved in the form are the authorized registrant who handled the controlled substances and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), which oversees the handling and destruction of controlled substances.
Data required when filling out the form includes the registrant's information, the date and method of destruction, and a list of the controlled substances destroyed. Additionally, the registrant must attach a copy of the authorization to handle controlled substances, as well as any other documentation related to the destruction.
Examples of when this form may be necessary include when a pharmacy or hospital needs to dispose of expired or unused controlled substances, or when a researcher has completed a study that required the use of controlled substances. By filling out the DEA Form 41, the registrant can document the proper destruction of the controlled substances and ensure compliance with DEA regulations.
Strengths of this form include ensuring proper handling and destruction of controlled substances, as well as providing documentation of compliance with DEA regulations. Weaknesses may include the potential for errors or omissions in filling out the form, which could lead to non-compliance.
Alternative forms or analogues of this form include state-specific forms for reporting the destruction of controlled substances, as well as forms used by other countries for similar purposes. The main difference between these forms is the specific requirements and regulations of the relevant regulatory bodies.
The form affects the future of the participants by ensuring compliance with DEA regulations and providing documentation of proper handling and destruction of controlled substances. Failure to properly document the destruction of controlled substances could result in regulatory action or legal consequences.
The form can be submitted to the DEA by mail or electronically through the DEA's Controlled Substance Ordering System (CSOS). The form should be stored in the registrant's records for at least two years.