DD Form 1502-1. Chilled Medical Materiel Shipment

DD Form 1502-1. Chilled Medical Materiel Shipment

DD Form 1502-1 serves a similar purpose as DD Form 1502 but is specifically designed for the shipment of chilled medical materiel within the Department of Defense. This form facilitates the tracking and management of medical supplies that require chilled storage conditions.

The form consists of sections similar to DD Form 1502, capturing information about the chilled shipment. Key sections include sender and recipient details, contents description, required temperature range, and handling instructions. The form may also include sections for temperature monitoring data.

When filling out DD Form 1502-1, accuracy in providing information about the medical supplies, temperature requirements, and handling instructions is essential. Proper completion ensures that the chilled medical supplies are transported and stored appropriately.

Application Example: Consider a scenario where a military medical facility needs to ship specialized medications that require chilled storage. By accurately completing DD Form 1502-1 with details about the medications, temperature specifications, and handling guidelines, both the sender and recipient can ensure the medications' integrity and effectiveness are preserved during transit.

Related Documents: Similar to DD Form 1502, additional documentation such as temperature logs, packing lists, and quality assurance reports may be necessary depending on the shipment's specifics. Analogous forms in civilian contexts might involve temperature-controlled shipping manifests.