DD Form 2260. Unit Mail-Clerk/Orderly Designation Log

DD Form 2260. Unit Mail-Clerk/Orderly Designation Log

DD Form 2260 - Unit Mail-Clerk/Orderly Designation Log is used to maintain a record of individuals designated as unit mail clerks or orderlies within the Department of Defense postal operations.

The form consists of sections for recording individual information, including name, rank, service, social security number, unit designation, and effective dates of the designation. There are also spaces for the unit commander's signature and the effective date of the entry.

Instructions for filling out DD Form 2260 emphasize accurate entry of personal information, clear indication of the role (mail clerk or orderly), and obtaining the unit commander's signature. The form's accuracy ensures that the correct individuals are assigned to the appropriate roles within postal operations.

Application Example: A military unit designates a new mail clerk to manage incoming and outgoing mail. DD Form 2260 is used to formally document this designation and maintain a record of individuals serving in such roles.

No additional documents are typically required for completing DD Form 2260. There are no direct alternatives within the Department of Defense for this specific purpose of maintaining a log of mail clerks and orderlies.