DD Form 2258. Temporary Mail Disposition Instructions

DD Form 2258. Temporary Mail Disposition Instructions

DD Form 2258 - Temporary Mail Disposition Instructions is used to provide temporary instructions for the disposition of mail when regular postal services are disrupted or unavailable due to extraordinary circumstances.

The form includes sections for providing the unit's information, temporary instructions for mail handling, and the effective period of these instructions. It also includes areas for authorized individuals' signatures and ranks.

Instructions for filling out DD Form 2258 require clear and concise information regarding the temporary mail handling procedures. Authorized personnel must sign the form, and the effective dates should be accurate. The form's accuracy is essential to ensure uninterrupted mail services during disruptions.

Application Example: In the aftermath of a natural disaster, a military installation's regular postal services are disrupted. DD Form 2258 is used to outline temporary mail handling procedures until regular services can be restored.

No additional documents are typically required for completing DD Form 2258. There are no direct alternatives within the Department of Defense for this specific purpose of providing temporary mail handling instructions.