DD Form 1721-2. Space Test Program After Action Report

DD Form 1721-2. Space Test Program After Action Report

DD Form 1721-2 - Space Test Program After Action Report is utilized for documenting the results and outcomes of space test programs conducted within the Department of Defense.

The form consists of sections where the reporting entity provides information about the test program, including objectives, methodologies, observations, and lessons learned. The form may also include sections for data analysis, conclusions, and recommendations for future actions.

When filling out DD Form 1721-2, it's important to provide a comprehensive assessment of the space test program's outcomes, including successes and challenges. The form contributes to the continuous improvement of space test initiatives within the Department of Defense.

Application Example: A space test program involving new communication satellite technology is conducted by the Department of Defense. By submitting DD Form 1721-2, the team documents the results, assesses the effectiveness of the technology, and offers recommendations for further developments.

No additional documents are typically required for filling out DD Form 1721-2. An alternative form could be AFTO Form 245, Aerospace Vehicle Flight Status and Maintenance Document, which is used for documenting the status and maintenance of aerospace vehicles.