DD Form 1685. Data Exchange and/or Proposed Revision of Catalog Data

DD Form 1685. Data Exchange and/or Proposed Revision of Catalog Data

DD Form 1685 - Data Exchange and/or Proposed Revision of Catalog Data is utilized for proposing changes or updates to catalog data within the Department of Defense.

The form consists of sections where the requester provides information about the proposed changes, including the current and revised data, reasons for the revision, impact on operations, and any related documentation. Depending on the nature of the proposed revision, additional sections may be included to capture technical specifications or justifications.

When completing DD Form 1685, it's crucial to provide accurate and detailed information about the proposed data changes. This ensures that the proposed revisions can be evaluated effectively and implemented without causing operational disruptions.

Application Example: An engineer identifies an error in the technical specifications of a military equipment component. By filling out DD Form 1685, they propose the corrected data to be included in the catalog. This ensures that accurate information is available to all users of the equipment.

Additional documents needed for filling out DD Form 1685 could include technical drawings, test reports, or relevant documentation related to the proposed data changes. An alternative form could be DD Form 1423, Contract Data Requirements List, used for specifying data requirements for contracts.