DD Form 1618. Department of Defense (DoD) Transportation Agreement Transfer of Civilian Employees to and within Continental United States

DD Form 1618. Department of Defense (DoD) Transportation Agreement Transfer of Civilian Employees to and within Continental United States

DD Form 1618, the Department of Defense (DoD) Transportation Agreement Transfer of Civilian Employees to and within Continental United States, is used to document the transfer of civilian employees within the Continental United States (CONUS) based on transportation agreements.

The form consists of sections where information about the transferred employee and the transportation agreement is recorded. This includes details about the employee's information, destination, travel dates, and authorization signatures. The form may also include sections for recording the terms and conditions of the transportation agreement.

When filling out DD Form 1618, accuracy in providing information about the employee, destination, and the agreement is important. Key fields include employee's name, travel destination, dates, and authorized signatures. Proper completion ensures that the transfer adheres to the terms of the transportation agreement.

Application Example: Imagine a scenario where a civilian employee is being transferred to a different military installation within the same state for a project. By accurately completing DD Form 1618 with the employee's transfer details and the transportation agreement terms, both the employee and the military ensure a seamless transfer process.

Related Documents: Depending on the transfer circumstances, additional documentation such as travel authorizations, assignment letters, and related agreements may be necessary. Similar civilian documents might include intra-company transfer documents for employees within an organization.