DD Form 1617. Department of Defense (DoD) Transportation Agreement Transfer of Civilian Employees Outside CONUS (OCONUS)

DD Form 1617. Department of Defense (DoD) Transportation Agreement Transfer of Civilian Employees Outside CONUS (OCONUS)

DD Form 1617, titled "Department of Defense (DoD) Transportation Agreement Transfer of Civilian Employees Outside CONUS (OCONUS)," serves as a record-keeping tool for documenting the transfer of civilian employees outside the Continental United States (OCONUS) in accordance with transportation agreements.

The form's sections are designed to capture details about the transferring employee and the transportation agreement. This includes employee information, destination details, travel dates, and authorization signatures. The form may also include sections for outlining the terms and conditions of the transportation agreement.

When completing DD Form 1617, accuracy in providing information about the transferring employee, destination, and transportation agreement is important. Key fields include employee's name, destination, travel dates, and authorized signatures. Proper completion ensures that the transfer process is aligned with the transportation agreement.

Application Example: In a scenario where a civilian employee is being transferred to work at a military installation overseas, DD Form 1617 would be completed to document the transfer details and agreement terms. This ensures that both the employee and the military adhere to the transportation agreement.

Related Documents: Depending on the nature of the transfer and the agreement, additional documents such as travel authorizations, international assignment letters, and relevant agreements may be necessary. Similar civilian documents could involve international assignment contracts.