DD Form 1587. Record of Congressional Transcript Review

DD Form 1587. Record of Congressional Transcript Review

DD Form 1587, the Record of Congressional Transcript Review, serves as a record-keeping tool within the Department of Defense. This form is used to document the review of congressional transcripts related to defense matters.

The form's sections are designed to capture information about the reviewed congressional transcript. This includes details about the transcript, the reviewer's information, review date, and any remarks or findings from the review. The form may also include sections for verifying the accuracy of the information.

When completing DD Form 1587, accuracy in recording the details of the congressional transcript and the review is crucial. Key fields include the transcript's title, date, and the reviewer's information. Proper completion ensures that the DoD maintains accurate records of its interactions with congressional matters.

Application Example: Imagine a scenario where a military official is tasked with reviewing a congressional hearing transcript discussing defense policy. By completing DD Form 1587 with the accurate details of the reviewed transcript, the DoD can maintain a record of its engagement with the congressional discussion.

Related Documents: This form's purpose is unique to its context of recording the review of congressional transcripts, so there might not be direct analogues in civilian contexts.