DA Form 7484-R. Lifting and Moving Devices Sys Inspection Checklist (LRA)

DA Form 7484-R. Lifting and Moving Devices Sys Inspection Checklist (LRA)

DA Form 7484-R - Lifting and Moving Devices Sys Inspection Checklist (LRA) is used to inspect and assess the condition of lifting and moving devices within U.S. Army facilities. It aids in maintaining the safety and functionality of equipment used for lifting and moving heavy loads.

The form consists of sections where maintenance personnel record details about the lifting and moving device components, testing outcomes, maintenance history, and identified deficiencies. It might include sections for recommended actions and repairs.

Important fields in this form include device details, testing outcomes, maintenance history, deficiencies, and recommended actions. Accurate completion is crucial for preventing equipment failures and ensuring the safety of personnel and property during lifting and moving operations.

Application Example: A maintenance technician inspects lifting and moving devices in a military facility to ensure their operational readiness for lifting heavy loads. The form is completed to document inspection details, testing results, and identified deficiencies. Proper completion of the form enhances operational safety and prevents accidents.