DA Form 647. Personnel Register

DA Form 647. Personnel Register

Form DA Form 647 - Personnel Register serves as a comprehensive record-keeping tool within the U.S. Army, maintaining crucial information about personnel and their military careers. This form is essential for tracking assignments, promotions, qualifications, awards, and other pertinent data.

The form consists of sections where personal information, duty assignments, education, training, and achievements are documented. It provides a holistic overview of an individual's military career and contributions, aiding decision-making processes related to deployments and promotions.

Important fields in this form encompass personal identification, assignments, and achievements. Ensuring accuracy is paramount for maintaining a reliable record of each individual's career progression and contributions, supporting effective human resource management.

Application Example: An administrative officer is tasked with updating personnel records after each soldier completes training. They use DA Form 647 to document the soldier's training completion date, acquired skills, and relevant certifications. This form assists in tracking career development and making informed deployment and promotion decisions.

No additional documents are typically required to complete this form. There might not be direct analogues to this form due to its specific purpose in maintaining personnel records.