DA Form 5760-R. Child Development (Cds) Management Personnel Cumulative Individual Education Plan (Iep) Training Record (LRA)

DA Form 5760-R. Child Development (Cds) Management Personnel Cumulative Individual Education Plan (Iep) Training Record (LRA)

DA Form 5760-R is the Child Development (CDS) Management Personnel Cumulative Individual Education Plan (IEP) Training Record, primarily used for Land Rehabilitation and Development (LRD) projects within the Department of the Army. It's utilized to track training related to child development and special education programs.

The form includes sections where training details for Child Development Services (CDS) management personnel are recorded. This may involve information about training courses, completion dates, topics covered, and any certifications obtained. The form helps maintain a record of the education and training of individuals responsible for child development programs.

Important fields in this form include training course details, completion dates, and topics covered. Accurate completion of the form is essential for ensuring that CDS management personnel are appropriately trained to provide high-quality child development services.

Application Example: A CDS program coordinator uses DA Form 5760-R to track the training of staff members in areas such as child development principles and special education techniques. The form helps in maintaining a qualified workforce and ensuring the effective delivery of child development services.

No additional documents are typically required when completing this form.

Related Form: DA Form 4254-R - Family Child Care Training Record. This form is used to track training records for Family Child Care (FCC) providers.