DA Form 5551-R. Spirometry Flow Sheet

DA Form 5551-R. Spirometry Flow Sheet

DA Form 5551-R, known as the Spirometry Flow Sheet, is used to record spirometry flow measurements for individuals. This form serves as a standardized tool for documenting lung function measurements during spirometry tests.

The form consists of sections where flow measurement data is recorded, including the time of measurement, forced expiratory volume (FEV1), and forced vital capacity (FVC) values. It includes spaces to record multiple sets of flow measurements and relevant calculations.

Important fields in this form include the measurement details, FEV1 and FVC values, and any calculated ratios. Accurate completion of this form is crucial for maintaining accurate records of spirometry measurements for medical assessment.

Application Example: A healthcare provider conducting lung function tests would use DA Form 5551-R to record spirometry flow measurements. By accurately completing the form and documenting measurements, the provider can assess an individual's lung function accurately.

No additional documents are explicitly mentioned as required for filling this form.

Related Form: DA Form 5550-R is a related form used for maintaining a calibration log for spirometers.