DA Form 5313-R. Nonappropriated Fund Payable/Disbursement Voucher (LRA)

DA Form 5313-R. Nonappropriated Fund Payable/Disbursement Voucher (LRA)

DA Form 5313-R, the Nonappropriated Fund Payable/Disbursement Voucher, is used to document and report financial transactions related to nonappropriated fund operations. This form ensures proper accounting and financial record-keeping for activities funded by nonappropriated funds.

The form consists of sections where individuals provide details about expenditures, disbursements, and associated amounts. It may also include sections for vendor information, approval signatures, and summary totals.

Important fields in this form include details of expenditures, disbursements, vendor information, and summary totals. Accurate completion of this form is crucial for maintaining accurate financial records and complying with reporting requirements for nonappropriated fund operations.

Application Example: A recreation center manager completes DA Form 5313-R to document expenses related to facility maintenance, supplies, and activities. This form helps ensure that financial transactions are accurately recorded and reported.

No additional documents are typically required to complete this form, as it captures all necessary information related to nonappropriated fund expenditures and disbursements.

No direct alternatives or analogues to DA Form 5313-R are mentioned, as its purpose is specific to documenting financial transactions within the context of nonappropriated fund operations.