DA Form 5168-R. Safety Clearance Order (Electrical Facilities) (LRA)

DA Form 5168-R. Safety Clearance Order (Electrical Facilities) (LRA)

Form DA 5168-R is a Safety Clearance Order used for Electrical Facilities within Local Redevelopment Authorities (LRAs). The purpose of this form is to ensure safety during electrical work or maintenance activities within the LRA's redevelopment areas. It is used by LRA management and safety personnel to authorize and track electrical work that may pose safety risks.

The form consists of sections where information about the electrical work is recorded. The form may include fields for the location of the electrical facility, the nature of the work to be performed, safety precautions, and the responsible personnel. Properly completing this form is crucial to prevent electrical accidents and ensure the safe execution of electrical projects within the LRA's jurisdiction.

Important fields in this form include detailed descriptions of the work to be done and the safety precautions to be taken. Filling out this form diligently ensures that electrical work is conducted safely, mitigating potential hazards and promoting a safe work environment.

Application Example: An LRA is undertaking a street lighting project. Form DA 5168-R is used to authorize the electrical work, ensuring that safety protocols are followed during the installation and maintenance of the electrical facilities.

Related Forms: There may be other forms used for safety clearances and work authorizations within LRAs, each tailored to specific types of activities and facilities.