DA Form 4312-R. Retention Control Sheet (LRA)

DA Form 4312-R. Retention Control Sheet (LRA)

Form DA Form 4312-R, also known as the Retention Control Sheet (LRA), is a document used by the Department of the Army to track and manage records retention. This form serves as a control sheet for managing the lifecycle of records within an organization.

The form consists of sections where information about the record is recorded, such as the record number, title, description, and disposition instructions. It may also include sections for recording the dates of creation, transfer, and destruction of the record.

Important fields on this form include the record number, which uniquely identifies the record, and the disposition instructions, which specify how long the record should be retained and what actions should be taken when it reaches its retention period. It is crucial to accurately fill out these fields to ensure proper management and disposal of records in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Parties involved in the completion of this form include the personnel responsible for managing records within the organization, such as records managers or administrative staff.

Application Example: An example scenario where the Form 4312-R would be used is when an organization needs to track and manage the retention of specific records. In this case, the form would be completed with details about the record, including its unique identifier, description, and disposition instructions. The completed form would then be used as a reference for managing the record throughout its lifecycle, ensuring compliance with retention policies and regulations.