DA Form 2408-17. Aircraft Inventory Record

DA Form 2408-17. Aircraft Inventory Record

The DA Form 2408-17, known as the Aircraft Inventory Record, is used to maintain a comprehensive inventory of equipment and components installed on an aircraft. This form serves as a vital reference for tracking the status, location, and configuration of various items on the aircraft.

The form consists of several sections and fields to capture essential information, including the equipment or component identification, part number, serial number, installation date, removal date, and reason for removal. It also provides space to record any modifications, upgrades, or changes made to the aircraft's configuration.

When filling out this form, it is important to accurately document all equipment and components installed on the aircraft, along with their corresponding details. This includes recording any changes or modifications made to the inventory, as well as the dates of installation and removal. Accurate documentation ensures an up-to-date and accurate inventory record, which is crucial for maintenance planning, logistics, and compliance purposes.

An example use case for the DA Form 2408-17 is during aircraft inspections or when conducting equipment audits. By referring to the inventory record, maintenance personnel can verify the presence and condition of specific equipment or components, track their service life, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. This form also aids in managing spare parts inventory and facilitating efficient maintenance operations.