DA Form 2188-1. LHMBC/MFCS Data Sheet

DA Form 2188-1. LHMBC/MFCS Data Sheet

The DA Form 2188-1 is used to record data related to the Load Handling System Bridging Crane (LHMBC) and the Material Handling Crane System (MFCS) within the Department of the Army. This form serves as a comprehensive data sheet for these specialized equipment systems.

The form consists of various important fields, including equipment details, maintenance and inspection records, operational data, safety information, and any remarks or additional notes.

When filling out the DA Form 2188-1, it is crucial to accurately record all relevant data and ensure that maintenance and inspection activities are properly documented. This form helps maintain a comprehensive record of the LHMBC and MFCS equipment, ensuring their safe and efficient operation.

An example use case for this form would be when conducting routine maintenance or inspections on the LHMBC and MFCS equipment. The DA Form 2188-1 would be used to document the findings, track maintenance activities, and identify any issues or repairs needed.