DA Form 1112. Building Preventive Maintenance Record

DA Form 1112. Building Preventive Maintenance Record

The DA Form 1112 is used to record preventive maintenance activities for buildings. It helps ensure that regular maintenance and inspections are carried out to prevent major damages, improve safety, and prolong the lifespan of buildings. This form consists of sections for identifying the building, recording maintenance activities with dates, descriptions, and work performed, as well as spaces for signatures and certifications. Important fields include the building number, date of inspection, specific maintenance tasks performed, and any identified issues or recommendations. The parties involved in filling out this form include building maintenance personnel, supervisors, and authorized inspection personnel.

Application Example: A facilities management department can use the DA Form 1112 to track and document preventive maintenance activities for various buildings under their jurisdiction. This allows them to stay proactive in maintaining the condition of the buildings, address potential issues in a timely manner, and ensure compliance with safety regulations.

Alternative Form: DA Form 3545. Structural Pest Control Work Request. This form specifically focuses on pest control activities for buildings and can be considered an alternative or complementary form to the DA Form 1112 for building maintenance records.