CA DMV Form INF 1124. Request for Vehicle/Vessel Photo History Information

CA DMV Form INF 1124. Request for Vehicle/Vessel Photo History Information

Form INF 1124 is used by approved Commercial Requester Account holders to request Vehicle/Vessel Photo History Information. This form enables commercial requester account holders to access photo history records of vehicles or vessels for various purposes, including court proceedings.

When completing Form INF 1124, requesters must indicate whether the photo history needs to be certified for court purposes. The form states that three years plus the current year of photo history information is available, but not all records may have photo histories, and some may have additional years of photo history available.

An approved Commercial Requester Account holder must submit Form INF 1124 to request vehicle/vessel photo history information. This form helps ensure that accurate and relevant photo history records are accessed by authorized parties for their specific purposes.

There may not be direct alternatives or similar forms specifically addressing the request for Vehicle/Vessel Photo History Information within the DMV context.