Form VSA 40. Vehicle Removal Certificate - Virginia

Form VSA 40. Vehicle Removal Certificate - Virginia

Form VSA 40 - Vehicle Removal Certificate is used to record compliance with the Abandoned Motor Vehicle Act.

The parties involved in this form are the individual or entity responsible for removing abandoned vehicles and the Virginia DMV. The form consists of sections where the applicant needs to provide essential information, such as the details of the removed vehicle, the location of the removal, and any documentation or evidence of compliance with the Abandoned Motor Vehicle Act.

Important fields in this form include accurate information about the removed vehicle, the location of the removal, and documentation or evidence confirming compliance with the Abandoned Motor Vehicle Act. Providing the correct information is crucial to ensure accurate recording of the vehicle removal.

An example use case for this form is when an authorized entity or individual removes an abandoned vehicle from public property to comply with local regulations. By completing Form VSA 40 and providing the necessary information and documentation, they can request the DMV to record the vehicle's removal, helping to maintain accurate records of abandoned vehicles.

No additional documents are typically needed to complete this form, as it primarily serves as a certificate for vehicle removal. Related forms or alternatives may include applications or certificates for the disposal or recycling of vehicles in other jurisdictions or industries.