Form DTS 36A. Certificate of Classroom Completion Instructions - Virginia

Form DTS 36A. Certificate of Classroom Completion Instructions - Virginia

Form DTS 36A - Certificate of Classroom Completion Instructions is a set of instructions used when issuing the Classroom Certificate of Completion (DTS 36) to students who have successfully completed the classroom portion of a driver training course.

The parties involved in this form are the driver training schools or instructors responsible for conducting the driver training courses and the students who have completed the classroom portion of the training.

The instructions would likely cover the process of completing and issuing the Classroom Certificate of Completion (DTS 36). They may include details about the required information on the certificate, the instructor's verification, and any specific guidelines for ensuring accuracy and validity.

Important fields in this form may include the student's name, course completion date, instructor's signature, and any unique identifiers required by the Virginia DMV to verify the certificate's authenticity.

An example scenario for using Form DTS 36A would be a driver training school that offers a comprehensive driver education course, including a classroom component. After students successfully complete the classroom portion, the instructor would use the instructions provided in Form DTS 36A to issue the Classroom Certificate of Completion (DTS 36) to each student. This certificate serves as proof that the student has completed the classroom requirements and can proceed to the practical training phase.

Additional documents needed for this process may include attendance records, instructor certifications, and any other supporting documents required by the Virginia DMV for verifying course completion.

As for related forms, there may be other forms related to driver training completion, such as Form DTS 36B for a similar certificate related to the practical training portion of the driver education course. Each form would pertain to different stages or components of the overall driver training program.