SF 1449. Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Products and Commercial Services

SF 1449. Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Products and Commercial Services

The SF-1449, titled "Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Products and Commercial Services," is a standardized government form used for procurement and contracting purposes. This form is designed to facilitate the acquisition of commercial products and services by federal agencies in the United States. Below is a breakdown of the key sections and fields found on this form:

  1. Requisition Number: This field is used to specify the unique identification number associated with the requisition for the products or services.

  2. Contract Number: The contract number identifies the specific contract under which the products or services are being procured.

  3. Award/Effective Date: Indicates the date on which the contract becomes effective.

  4. Order Number: The order number is a unique identifier for a specific order placed under the contract.

  5. Solicitation Number: This field contains the solicitation number, which is a reference number for the procurement opportunity.

  6. Solicitation Issue Date: Specifies the date when the solicitation for products or services was issued.

  7. For Solicitation Information Call: Provides contact information for inquiries related to the solicitation, including the name and telephone number of the point of contact.

  8. Offer Due Date/Local Time: Specifies the deadline for submitting offers or proposals and the local time at which they are due.

  9. Issued By: Identifies the government agency or entity issuing the solicitation or contract.

13b. Rating: This section may contain a rating or evaluation score assigned to the offer or proposal submitted.

  1. Method of Solicitation Code: Indicates the method used to solicit offers, such as Request for Quote (RFQ), Invitation for Bid (IFB), Request for Proposal (RFP), or other codes.

  2. Deliver To: Specifies the delivery location or address for the products or services.

  3. Administered By Code: Identifies the government entity responsible for administering the contract.

17a. Contractor/Offeror Facility Code: Contains a facility code associated with the contractor or offeror.

17b. Check If Remittance Is Different: If the remittance address is different from the contractor's address, it should be indicated here.

18a. Payment Will Be Made By Code: Specifies the code representing the method of payment.

18b. Submit Invoices To Address: Indicates where the contractor should submit their invoices unless an alternative address is specified.

  1. Item Number: This field identifies the specific item or line item being procured.

  2. Schedule of Supplies/Services: Provides a description and details of the supplies or services being acquired.

  3. Quantity: Specifies the quantity of the items or services to be delivered.

  4. Unit: Indicates the unit of measure for the items or services.

  5. Unit Price: Specifies the unit price for each item or service.

  6. Amount: Calculates the total amount for each line item by multiplying quantity by unit price.

  7. Accounting and Appropriation Data: Contains financial information related to the contract.

  8. Total Award Amount: This field is for government use only and indicates the total value of the contract.

  9. Contractor is Required to Sign: The contractor is required to sign the document and return copies to the issuing office, agreeing to furnish and deliver the specified items or services under the terms and conditions specified.

  10. Award of Contract: Refers to the acceptance of the offer by the government, including any additions or changes made in the document.

30a. Signature of Offeror/Contractor: The signature of the contractor or offeror.

30b. Name and Title of Signer: The name and title of the individual signing the document.

30c. Date Signed: The date when the document was signed.

31a. United States of America (Signature of Contracting Officer): The signature of the contracting officer representing the government.

31b. Name of Contracting Officer: The name of the contracting officer.

31c. Date Signed: The date when the contracting officer signed the document.

Authorized for Local Reproduction: Indicates that the form is authorized for local use and reproduction.

Previous Edition Is Not Usable: This notice informs users that previous editions of the form are not valid for use.

The SF-1449 serves as a crucial document in the procurement process, ensuring clarity and compliance with government procurement regulations and standards. It provides a structured format for communicating essential information between the government agency and the contractor or offeror involved in the procurement of commercial products and services.