PA DMV Form MV-73A. Application for Renewal / Change and / or Replacement of Certificate of Authorization as Motor Vehicle Messenger Service

PA DMV Form MV-73A. Application for Renewal / Change and / or Replacement of Certificate of Authorization as Motor Vehicle Messenger Service

Form MV-73A is an application form used for the renewal, change, and/or replacement of a Certificate of Authorization as a Motor Vehicle Messenger Service. This form is required for motor vehicle messenger services operating in Pennsylvania to maintain their authorization status.

The form consists of sections where applicants provide their business information, such as the legal name of the messenger service, contact details, and any changes or updates to their existing authorization. The form may also include additional sections or fields that require supporting documentation or explanations for specific changes or requests.

Important fields in this form include the identification of the messenger service, the requested changes updates, and any relevant supporting documents. Accurate completion of this form is crucial to ensure that the Department of Transportation has up-date information about the messenger service and can process the requested changes or renewals promptly.

Application Example: Suppose a motor vehicle messenger service in Pennsylvania wants to renew its Certificate of Authorization. The service would need to complete Form MV-73A, providing accurate and updated information about their business and any changes since their last authorization. By submitting the completed form along with any required supporting documents, the messenger service can maintain its authorization status and continue operating legally.

Related Forms: There may not be direct alternatives to Form MV-73A, as it is specific to the renewal, change, and/or replacement of a Certificate of Authorization for motor vehicle messenger services. However, other forms related to motor vehicle businesses or services may be required, such as registration forms for commercial vehicles or applications for specialized permits.