OCFS-5560. Agency Checklist for Supervised Setting Program Operation

OCFS-5560. Agency Checklist for Supervised Setting Program Operation

Form OCFS-5560, the Agency Checklist for Supervised Setting Program Operation, is used by child welfare agencies to ensure compliance and readiness when operating supervised setting programs for children in care. This form helps agencies prepare for program operation and ongoing compliance with relevant regulations.

The form consists of sections where the agency documents their compliance with specific regulations and standards related to the operation of supervised setting programs. It includes sections for detailing staff qualifications, facility safety measures, program policies, and documentation procedures.

Important fields in this form include sections related to staff qualifications, safety measures, and program policies. Accurate completion ensures that the agency is well-prepared to operate supervised setting programs that meet the needs and safety of children in care.

Application Example: A child welfare agency that intends to operate a supervised setting program completes Form OCFS-5560 to ensure compliance with all necessary regulations. By accurately documenting their preparations and adherence to standards, the agency can provide a safe and supportive environment for children in the program.