NYS DMV Form MV-279. Request for Premises Check

NYS DMV Form MV-279. Request for Premises Check

Form MV-279 is used to request a premises check by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) for pre-licensing classroom approval. This form is submitted by driving schools or educational institutions offering the pre-licensing course to ensure that their premises meet the necessary requirements and standards set by the DMV.

The purpose of this form is to ensure that the classroom facilities where the pre-licensing course is conducted provide a suitable environment for effective instruction and learning. The DMV conducts premises checks to verify compliance with regulations and ensure the quality of education provided in the pre-licensing course.

Application Example: Driving schools or educational institutions offering the pre-licensing course in New York State will submit Form MV-279 to request a premises check by the DMV. By completing this form and meeting the necessary requirements, they can obtain approval for their classroom facilities to conduct the pre-licensing course.

Related Forms: There are no direct alternatives to Form MV-279 for requesting a premises check for pre-licensing classroom approval. Driving schools and educational institutions should refer to the form provided by the DMV or contact the DMV directly for any updates or additional resources related to the premises check process.