MD MVA Form DL-087 - Organ Donor Program

MD MVA Form DL-087 - Organ Donor Program

Form DL-087 - Organ Donor Program provides information about Maryland's Organ Donor Program and encourages individuals to register as organ donors.

This form is used to inform individuals about the importance of organ donation and to provide them with the opportunity to register as organ donors. It plays a critical role in raising awareness about the program and increasing the number of registered organ donors. For instance, when renewing their driver's license, Maryland residents may receive information about the Organ Donor Program and be given the option to register as an organ donor.

The parties involved are Maryland residents, the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration, and potential organ transplant recipients. The form typically consists of sections explaining the program, providing facts about organ donation, and offering the option to register as a donor. By increasing the number of registered donors, the form contributes to saving lives through organ transplantation.
