Form RT DS 54. Designated Agent Bond for Illinois Manufactured Homes - Illinois

Form RT DS 54. Designated Agent Bond for Illinois Manufactured Homes - Illinois

Form RT DS 54 - Designated Agent Bond for Illinois Manufactured Homes serves as a designated agent bond application for dealers of Illinois manufactured homes.

This form is used by dealers of Illinois manufactured homes to apply for a designated agent bond, which is a requirement for certain transactions involving manufactured homes.

Form Structure

This form involves the manufactured home dealer applying for a designated agent bond, the Illinois Secretary of State Vehicle Services Department, and potentially other regulatory bodies. It's structured with sections for providing the dealer's information, the type of bond being applied for, and details about the bonding company.

How to Fill Out and Submit the Form

Manufactured home dealers can complete this form to apply for a designated agent bond. The completed form is typically submitted to the Illinois Secretary of State Vehicle Services Department for processing.

When completing the form, the dealer should accurately provide their information and details about the bonding company. This form is important for meeting the requirements of designated agent bonds for transactions involving manufactured homes.
