DD Form 879. Statement of Compliance

DD Form 879. Statement of Compliance

DD Form 879 - Statement of Compliance is used to verify compliance with government regulations and requirements related to specific contracts or projects. This form ensures that contractors and organizations adhere to the specified terms and conditions of their agreements.

The form consists of sections where the responsible party provides a statement confirming compliance with the contract or project requirements. It may include details about the project, contract number, and a declaration of compliance.

Important fields in this form include project or contract details and the statement of compliance. Accurate completion is crucial to verify that the responsible party is adhering to the specified terms and conditions.

Application Example: Contractors and organizations involved in government projects may use DD Form 879 to confirm their compliance with contract requirements. This helps ensure that projects are carried out according to the agreed-upon terms.

Related Form: There are no directly related forms, but similar compliance verification forms might exist for different industries and agreements.