DD Form 295. Application for the Evaluation of Learning Experiences During Military Service

DD Form 295. Application for the Evaluation of Learning Experiences During Military Service

DD Form 295 - Application for the Evaluation of Learning Experiences During Military Service is used by military personnel to request an evaluation of their learning experiences and training received during their military service for potential college credit.

The form consists of sections where the applicant provides information about their military service, training received, and educational institutions to which they plan to apply. It serves as a formal request to assess the applicability of military training for academic credit.

Important fields in this form include details about the military training, courses completed, educational institutions, and any supporting documentation. Accurate completion is crucial to ensure that the applicant receives proper recognition for their military training and experiences in civilian education.

Application Example: A military service member plans to attend college after leaving the military and wishes to receive academic credit for their military training. They complete DD Form 295, detailing the relevant training courses and submitting the form to the educational institution. Proper completion facilitates the evaluation of military training for academic credit.

There are no direct analogues to this form, as it addresses the specific process of evaluating military training for potential college credit.