DD Form 2325. Radiological Response Capability Report

DD Form 2325. Radiological Response Capability Report

DD Form 2325 - Radiological Response Capability Report is used to assess and report the radiological response capability of Department of Defense installations in the event of a radiological incident or emergency.

The form includes sections for entering the installation's information, details of radiological response capabilities, the responsible agency's information, and any additional remarks or explanations.

Instructions for filling out DD Form 2325 involve providing accurate installation and response capability information, clear descriptions of the capabilities, and any necessary remarks. Accurate assessment is vital for emergency preparedness and response.

Application Example: A military installation needs to assess its readiness to respond to a radiological incident. DD Form 2325 is used to evaluate and report the installation's radiological response capabilities.

No additional documents are typically required for completing DD Form 2325. An alternative form could be a radiological emergency response plan tailored to the specific installation.