DD Form 1716. Contract Data Package Recommendation/Deficiency Report

DD Form 1716. Contract Data Package Recommendation/Deficiency Report

DD Form 1716 - Contract Data Package Recommendation/Deficiency Report is a form used for recommending improvements or reporting deficiencies in contract data packages within the Department of Defense.

The form consists of sections where the reporting authority provides details about the contract data package, including identification, nature of the recommendation or deficiency, and suggested corrective actions. Additional sections may capture supporting evidence, signatures, and status updates.

When completing DD Form 1716, it's essential to clearly describe the recommendation or deficiency and propose feasible solutions. This helps improve the quality of contract data packages and contributes to efficient contract management.

Application Example: A contractor identifies inaccuracies in a contract data package received from a supplier. By filling out DD Form 1716, they report the deficiencies and suggest corrective actions to ensure accurate and complete contract information.

No additional documents are typically required for filling out DD Form 1716. An alternative form could be DD Form 1423-1, Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) Form, which is used to specify the data requirements for a contract.