DA Form 7884 - Electronic Key Management Disposition Record

DA Form 7884 - Electronic Key Management Disposition Record

DA Form 7884 serves as the Electronic Key Management Disposition Record, primarily used in compliance with AR 380-40. Its proponent agency is DCS, G-2. This form is utilized to record the disposal of electronic cryptographic variables and the distribution of Black Keys. It plays a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive information and managing cryptographic key materials.

Key Fields:

  1. CRYPTO-Period: The effective period for the cryptographic keys.
  2. Effective Date: The date when the key is activated.
  3. CONAUTH / CMDAUTH: Authorization and command authority for key management.
  4. Local Element: Information regarding the local unit or organization.
  5. Loaded from: The source of key loading.
  6. MFD SN: The serial number of the key-filling device.
  7. MFD Type: The type or model of the key-filling device.
  8. Authorized to Sub-Hand Receipt: Details of authorization for sub-hand receipt.
  9. Sub-Hand Receipt: Information regarding sub-hand receipt procedures.
  10. Short Title with Edition and Segment: A brief description of the key.
  11. Class: Classification level of the key.
  12. ALC Supersession / Expiration / Destroy by Date: Key replacement or destruction details.
  13. Equipment Type: The type of equipment associated with the key.
  14. Serial# ECU: Serial number of the electronic control unit.
  15. Date Filled: The date the form was filled.
  16. Printed Name of Destroyer: Name of the individual responsible for key destruction.
  17. Signature of Destroyer / Destruction Date: Signature and date of the destroyer.
  18. Printed Name of Witness: Name of the witness to the destruction.
  19. Signature of Witness / Destruction Date: Signature and date of the witness.
  20. ED (Equipment Date): Date fields for equipment information.
  21. SEG (Segment): Segment fields for additional key-related data.
  22. Classified By: Information on the classification and declassification of the key.

Use Case: DA Form 7884 is used in military and security contexts, especially within the domain of communications security (COMSEC). It is employed to maintain strict control over cryptographic keys and record their disposition to prevent unauthorized access or compromise of sensitive information.

Confidentiality Note: The form bears a "CONFIDENTIAL" designation, highlighting the importance of maintaining secrecy and security in handling cryptographic key materials.

Declassification: The form may specify a declassification timeline, signifying the duration of time before certain security information becomes eligible for declassification.

Remarks: A section where any additional comments or notes relevant to the key management or destruction process can be added.

DA Form 7884 plays a vital role in the management and safeguarding of cryptographic keys, a critical component of ensuring secure communications and information protection in military and security environments. It is imperative to follow the instructions and guidelines associated with this form to maintain the highest levels of security and compliance with regulations.
