DA Form 5648. Agr Job Authorization (Request/Change)

DA Form 5648. Agr Job Authorization (Request/Change)

DA Form 5648 serves as a request or change form for authorization of Army National Guard (AGR) jobs.

The form includes sections where information about the AGR job, requested changes, reasons for changes, and authorizations are entered. It serves to request or make changes to AGR job authorizations based on operational needs.

Important fields in this form encompass job details, requested changes, justifications, and authorizations. Accurate completion of this form is essential for initiating or modifying AGR job authorizations, ensuring alignment with operational requirements.

Application Example: An Army National Guard unit commander submits DA Form 5648 to request the creation of a new AGR job position within their unit. By accurately providing job details and justifications, the form aids in obtaining authorization for the position to fulfill operational needs.