DA Form 5138. Separation Action Control Sheet

DA Form 5138. Separation Action Control Sheet

Form DA 5138 is a Separation Action Control Sheet. This form is used to document and track separation actions for military personnel who are being discharged or released from active duty. The purpose of this form is to ensure that all necessary administrative actions are completed and properly processed during the separation process.

The form consists of sections where information about the service member's separation is recorded, including the reason for separation, the effective date, and any required documentation or approvals. The form may also include sections for recording information about the service member's benefits and entitlements upon separation. The form is essential for maintaining accurate and complete records of separation actions.

Important fields in this form include accurate documentation of the service member's separation details, including the reason for separation and any required supporting documents. Proper completion of this form is critical for ensuring that the service member's rights and benefits are appropriately addressed during the separation process.

Application Example: A service member is being discharged from the Army due to the end of their enlistment contract. The personnel office uses Form DA 5138 to document the separation action, including the effective date of separation and any entitlements the service member is eligible to receive upon separation.

Related Forms: There may be other forms used for documenting various types of military separations and discharges, each tailored to specific separation circumstances.