DA Form 5110. Article 15-Reconciliation Log

DA Form 5110. Article 15-Reconciliation Log

Form DA 5110 is an Article 15-Reconciliation Log. This form is used to document the efforts made to resolve an Article 15 action through reconciliation or non-punitive means. The purpose of this form is to maintain a record of the attempts to resolve disciplinary matters without resorting to formal punishment.

The form consists of sections where the details of the reconciliation efforts are recorded. This may include sections for documenting the date of the reconciliation attempt, the method used, and the outcome. The form is essential for tracking the progress of reconciliation attempts and ensuring that all appropriate measures are taken before resorting to formal punishment.

Important fields in this form include accurate documentation of the reconciliation attempts and the results of each effort. Properly completing this form helps ensure that all alternatives to formal punishment are explored and that the most appropriate course of action is taken to address the disciplinary matter.

Application Example: After initiating an Article 15 action, the commanding officer decides to explore reconciliation as a way to address the disciplinary issue. The officer uses Form DA 5110 to document the attempts at reconciliation, such as counseling sessions or corrective training, and the outcomes of those efforts.

Related Forms: There may be other forms used for documenting disciplinary actions and the resolution of disciplinary matters within the military.